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Video Grade

Pitch your short film

Using your phone (or other video recorder), create & share a video of you pitching your short film that you have developed an outline & treatment for. (20 extra credit points for the content, 5 additional for Professionalism)

  • Here are the points that I want you to cover:
    • Introduce yourself
    • What is the setting of your film?
    • Who are the main characters of your film?
    • What is the basic plot of your short film?
    • What is the objective of your film?
  • This project is worth 30 points of extra credit in the Video Category.

A few options to how to do this:

Produce a training video teaching the viewer how to do something. 

Record your video using your phone camera (or other video recording device)

If you don’t have a computer to edit your video on, there are many apps that are available on Android/iPhone devices.

To make the video easier and more fun to make, choose something that you like to do and are good at.

  • Here are some ideas:
    • How to draw something
    • How to play the clarinet
    • The rules of Basketball
    • Strategies of playing a certain video game
  • Turn in the worksheet to Mr. Nottingham
  • Grading: up to 50 video points depending on the following:
    • Length of Video
    • Framing / Picture Quality
    • Continuity
    • Video Editing
    • Audio Production
    • Titles & Graphics
    • Pre-production paperwork – Not required but can earn you additional points.