Always obey these rules when filming a video project.
- Always carry your group clipboard and any applicable permits
- Location permits – (See map below) a location permit is needed if you will be filming:
- Inside a classroom or other indoor location (other than room 1)
- In an outdoor location where students are not normally allowed to hang out (ie Football Field)
- Right outside a classroom in such a way that you might disturb the class inside
- The permit needs to be signed by the faculty/staff member in charge of that location.
- Acting/Interview permits – An Interview Permit is needed if you will be filming:
- A student who is not a member of this class period
- A teacher or staff member
- This permit is needed if the person you are filming has a specific part in the video whether they are interviewed or not. The permit is not needed for minor appearances such as a person walking through the background of your video.
- The permit needs to be signed by the student’s teacher or the faculty/staff member being interviewed.
- Location permits – (See map below) a location permit is needed if you will be filming:
- Hall Passes – Always have a hall pass when you leave the class. It must be visible and not put in a pocket.
- Bathrooms are off limits – Do not film in them or toward them if the door is open
- Film only those participating in your video
- Throwing things or doing things that could cause possible damage or injury needs approval.
- No Weapons/Drugs (even if it is not real, it needs prior specific permission)
- Appropriate language – No swearing