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Using Celtx Online

Celtx online allows anyone to create a free, limited account that can be used to create a script. To get the full benefit of all Celtx has to offer, Mr. Nottingham must add you to the classroom’s Celtx account. If he hasn’t done so already, please request access from Mr. Nottingham by sending him an email.

Once you have your account active and you’ve signed in using your school google account, you can start creating a script. Celtx has an article on creating scripts that you can read here. Since you’ve already learned the basics of script writing this year, you can use the following steps to help get you started:

Starting your script – 4 steps

1- For a short film script, you’ll choose “Film & TV” as the type of script that you want to create.
2- Name your script (This can be anything that you would like) and click Create Project!

3- After you’ve created your project, you click on Screenplay to start writing your script.
4- Type your script. Remember to use the correct format for your script components. You can use the drop down box to change the format.

Downloading your script – 2 steps

The first step is to choose “Print/Download” from the File Menu
The last step is to choose download from the PDF pop-up menu on the right side.