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Distance Learning – April 20

Watch a movie/Complete a worksheet – In preparation for your upcoming final project, watch a movie this week and complete a “Components of a Story” worksheet for the story that is told in the movie. If you do not have access to a movie, contact Mr. Nottingham and he will provide you a link to a movie. Use your story outline skills you developed this year.

Components of a Story Worksheet
  • The worksheet can be filled out in any of the following ways:
    • PDF online
      1. On the Google Classroom assignment, open the PDF worksheet on your device.
      2. Edit the PDF and type your answers directly in the form’s boxes.
      3. Save the PDF.
      4. Turn in your assignment on Google Classroom.
    • PDF by hand
      1. Print the worksheet.
      2. Fill out the boxes on the worksheet by hand.
      3. Scan or take a picture of your completed worksheet.
      4. Attach the scan/picture to your Google Classroom assignment and turn it in.
    • Google Doc (Outline Style)
      • Type the items listed on the worksheet on a Google Doc.
      • Make sure to include: Setting, Characters, Setup, Conflict, Climax, Resolution with bullet points under each item.
      • Attach the Google Doc to your Google Classroom assignment and turn it in.
  • This project is due on Friday, April 24, 2020 by 3pm.
  • This assignment is worth 100 points in the Assignment category.

Also, you can always work on Extra Credit to bring up your grade. Click the link below for more information.