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Distance Learning – April 27

Over the next several weeks, you will personally develop pre-production paperwork for a Short Film. You will:

  • Outline a story to use in a short film
  • Write a treatment for your short film
  • Write a 3-5 minute short film script using Celtx online (More information coming soon)
  • Create a storyboard for your short film using

This 4-week project counts as your Digital Film Production Final and turning in the weekly assignment will raise your grade to some extent and account for up to 20% of your final grade in the class. There will also be additional extra-credit available as part of this project in upcoming weeks.

Components of a Story Worksheet

The first part of this project is your assignment for this week:

Examples of Short Films

Also, you can always work on Extra Credit to bring up your grade. Click the link below for more information.